For one thing, after a while the music stops. That would have been a good opportunity to add some variation so that the gamer doesn't rip off their ears, but it just stops and leaves you only the annoying sound of Santa fighting to listen to. Also, it's not really a 'kill' if your only punching the elves, it would be more like 'KOs'. I would have liked it better if there was something to separate the levels, different presents that have different affects, a raise in difficulty level as you went, some form of upgrade or reward for achievements, and maybe a change of scenery every once in a while. Once you're done with the game, it just ends. ENDS. There is no resolution to the conflict, the elves don't come back to work, Santa doesn't suddenly realize he's KO'd most of his workers, it just ENDS! There is no real incentive to play this game, interest only gets them to start playing but it won't keep them there to finish. It just felt like I've wasted my time hitting elves that won't fight back. I suggest you make some changes, because this was a good idea to start with. It is certainly something to build off of. Keep trying!